Thursday, May 15, 2008

Terry McSpin-Alot Cries Foul

re: This cry me a river post about the media ganging up on poor little Hillary.

You did see the exit interviews from West Virginia did you not? My other comment was written even before I saw them this evening on The Daily Show. Nope, no racism, no hatred of "non-American blood," no associations by name only made by the voter's of West Virginia. All fabrications of the Obama loving news media. At least when they piled on Obama & Rev. Wright before, they had the common courtesy to point out the message, not the race, whereas all those willing to say why they supported HRC threw out all the stops and called a "spade" a "spade."

They must have been Obama or SNL "plants" to make it appear some HRC supporters were racists, right?

And by HRC's own standards instead of celebrating a "great" victory in WV, she should have been admonishing her followers using hate speech. Actually, what would be best for HRC would be to completely separate herself from those voters and their despicable actions and remove those votes from the tallies.

Ship sails both ways. That is if you are anyone but HRC.

Aside from the above, but pertaining to WV

On a personal note, I know all the "Deliverance" jokes and fiddle music that comes to mind when one things of WV, however I recently watched a documentary that gave me pause and hope for a "cleaner, more civilized" outcome in their primary. It was on the Sundance channel about how coal mining is devastating the state and how your "WV Hillibillies" are starting to take a stand against our insatiable use of electricity. Sadly, it appears the fiddle plays on.

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