Thursday, May 15, 2008

Terry McSpin-Alot Cries Foul

re: This cry me a river post about the media ganging up on poor little Hillary.

You did see the exit interviews from West Virginia did you not? My other comment was written even before I saw them this evening on The Daily Show. Nope, no racism, no hatred of "non-American blood," no associations by name only made by the voter's of West Virginia. All fabrications of the Obama loving news media. At least when they piled on Obama & Rev. Wright before, they had the common courtesy to point out the message, not the race, whereas all those willing to say why they supported HRC threw out all the stops and called a "spade" a "spade."

They must have been Obama or SNL "plants" to make it appear some HRC supporters were racists, right?

And by HRC's own standards instead of celebrating a "great" victory in WV, she should have been admonishing her followers using hate speech. Actually, what would be best for HRC would be to completely separate herself from those voters and their despicable actions and remove those votes from the tallies.

Ship sails both ways. That is if you are anyone but HRC.

Aside from the above, but pertaining to WV

On a personal note, I know all the "Deliverance" jokes and fiddle music that comes to mind when one things of WV, however I recently watched a documentary that gave me pause and hope for a "cleaner, more civilized" outcome in their primary. It was on the Sundance channel about how coal mining is devastating the state and how your "WV Hillibillies" are starting to take a stand against our insatiable use of electricity. Sadly, it appears the fiddle plays on.

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Is the conventional wisdom of video game's influence upside down?

Can the continued barrage of the advertisement actually be telling us subliminal messages even the corporations paying for them do not want us to hear? Sure there have been studies & conspiracy theories telling us corporations use such tactics as product placement, celebrity endorsements & feeling of nostalgia to sell us more than we need or want, but is it possible this may even be backfiring on them given they are in competition with completely unrelated products to get their message out? What are you talking about you may be thinking, but bare with me a second or two.

I was watching a program tonight, The Colbert Report, yes Sumner Redstone you can send me a check for endorsing your product, and something completely odd dawned on me from viewing an E-trade commercial followed by one for GTA. Now mind you, I didn't camp out for 3 days waiting for GTA to go on sale, nor have I downloaded 15 competing online trading software programs hoping to make millions over night then follow it up with a shooting spree through Liberty City, however both are the craze at the moment. "Ohh, be real there is no connection," you say but there is, ...and it is not as you think.

Let me diverge for a moment into each of these two seemingly unrelated phenomenas. GTA, as we know has spurned a heated debate over whether it has caused an increase in violence because "it desensitizes the player [read:youth] to the real impacts of violence," and is therefore linked to such unthinkable tragedies like Columbine, VTech shooting and even to modern warfare, where military "gamers" drop bombs in Iraq or Afghanistan from a cozy workstation in Tampa.

Now let's look at the rise to prominence of the on-line trading software, "so easy a baby can do it" and "so much fun an entire family is sitting around the computer making their first trade," pops out in my head as images so-well ingrained they replace memories of first everythings. How far we've advanced in family interaction that we no longer have to be satisfied communicating via text message to our parents or siblings sitting across the table at dinner, but we can all partake in making the family rich "24/7 trading."

Not quite ready to connect them yet, but let's think about a time not to long ago, in particular just before the Bear Stearns collapse & weekend federal bailout. Hell, I wonder which company cashed in nicely plugging Washington DC into on-line trading to make this modern day feat possible in unbelievably short notice? The Fed's efficiency allowed it to be the equivalent of a Friday news dump and barely rippled the waters of 2-3 subsequent news cycles and now a simple google search doesn't even reveal an article showing exactly how many billions were spent in this record breaking boondoggle. So prior to this event and even currently, with it nicely swept under the rug of the taxpayer's recognition of more corporate welfare, the financial media continues its "buy, buy, buy, the market continues to rise" diatribes, most notably shown by Jim Kramer just before the collapse. How quickly the media, the corporations and apparently the government would love us to forget about the impacts of the Tech Bubble Collapse circa 1998-2000, and keep us plugging our money into their greedy pockets when the market "stability & steady growth" they tout is predicated on a strong dollar.

The reality is the dollar is weakening steadily and precipitously, and the dirty little secret spoon fed us all is, not that the market value is increasing, but that it is actually decreasing due to the fall of the dollar. If a company's value, for simplicity's sake lets go just off its assets valued at $100 per share on the stock market, but now let's drop the value of the dollar from 1 to 1 with the Euro, to 0.95 USD to 1 Euro, now all of a sudden the market value increases magically to $105.26 per share. This is all hocus pocus valuation increase, that will only continue to get worse due to increasing foreign held debt tracked by The National Debt Clock. Isn't it slightly odd how the price you pay at the pump for gas or for a loaf of bread doesn't work in your favor ever, but always the corporations can recuperated their losses by increasing the price?

"Alright you were talking some connection here," you say.

Let us return to the video games to find the connection. What is one of the key foundations of any gamer's success in a game? "Blasting the bad guy" or "Running over the rival gang member." No, it is maintaining a viable economy, whether it be money, resources, lives, ammunition, etc. Without which, you cannot continue on through the game and perish. This is the inherent underlying attribute to any game, and yes solving a mystery or plugging a thousand rounds into the enemy makes it exciting, however without a positive "economy" you die.

What is the demographics on people who play video games and grew up on them? It started with the 30 somethings of today, back in the late 70s and early 80s when Atari and other gaming systems were just developing & becoming a backbone of family fun and interaction. It has continued to grow and the percentage of gamers per age demographic grows over time. What else is laid down during these formative times of our youth, when the corporations are not indoctrinating us with their products? Nostalgia! Nostalgia of what? Gaming! And what is inherent in all gaming? Maintaining a positive economy!

What is the trend of the 20 to 30 somethings with regards to deficit spending, setting aside being fooled into racking up immense credit card debt? I think it is, "we are sick of our leaders [read: parents & grandparents through their proxies, government] racking up debt at our expense for which they will never live long enough to have to worry about paying. Just looking up "Me Generation" gave me multiple negative portrayals of us being self-absorbed with a sense of entitlement unmatched by any of the past, however I think there is a shift occurring, calling the older generations & the politicians, predominately in their generation and by whom they control, out on their true self-absorption and complete disregard for a future they will no longer be in (we don't live forever).

The cost of the war & occupation of Iraq in combination with the mortgage meltdown going on now, has highlighted to more people than ever in our generation the need to win the game. And to win the game, all of us in our 20s & 30s have been indoctrinated to know & can remember back nostalgically to urge us to buy into, requires us to maintain a positive economy. I think this is more elemental to the Change Movement that is growing amongst our generation today than anything else. And to a certain extent, maybe the nostalgia our parent's had of enjoying those first video games with us so many years ago, is drawing them into this Change Movement, more so than the need to get out of Iraq itself or something is rotting in Washington they point to.

This is a present surprise that struck me this evening, and you know what? I look forward to laughing in the face of corporate ads selling me something stirring warm emotions from my past, knowing that their grand scheme failed and is backfiring on them now. Bring out more games of senseless death and destruction for children, because as they get older, survival through positive economies will be ingrained in them more than the Happy Meal & bad hair is in our generation.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

First Day Canvassing for Barack

Today was my first day getting off my ass and actually doing something for which I complain often about. I finally walked in the local Obama Campaign Office in my effort to get off my 7 years of Bush inflicted depression and today I was out canvassing instead of moping around.

Unfortunately, most people were not at home, however I did get to talk with a white male voter in his 40s and sadly I was disappointed in how he was framing his apprehension towards Obama and leaning towards Hillary. Without coming right out and saying it, his trepidation was of racial undertones, stating "He doesn't want 50 cent [or other hip-hop, gang-bangers] in the Whitehouse." Other notable comments, Barack's inexperience & naivety will allow him to be steamrolled by Politics as usual in Washington. I spent about 15 minutes talking to him, relaying on my take of the matter and without being rude, stating he could not be more wrong in his thoughts. I also strongly pushed my beliefs on Gov. Richardson and how he could be either a great VP or Sec. of State. At first he counter, Richardson only did it to "get on the Obama bandwagon" as Clinton was looking stronger then, but whatever, I knew his real reasonings behind his leanings were on the racial tones.

I guess was really disappointed given I live in Portland and we tend to be more open minded. To be continued later...

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Bill Richardson for VP

As my original first pick for the Democratic nomination, I was disappointed that the "inevitable nomination juggernaut" Hillary Clinton, squashed all my hopes of Gov. Richardson getting equal time to present his case for President. Being as it is, I see Richardson running with Obama being the dream ticket for the Democrats and for the reemergence of diplomacy on the world scene.

Other than the obvious of Gov. Richardson being able to deliver the Latino vote of which Obama seems to be lacking, Bill's experience both on the world scene diplomatically, as US Ambassador abroad, and his executive experience as a very popular governor of New Mexico, further confirms why I think he should get the nod. Only just recently, he traveled to Darfur to help secure the safe release of a National Geographic writer from NM & his support staff, who crossed the vague frontier into Sudan from the Sahara. NG writer release from Sudan

I was disappointed recently when I not only didn't know Obama would be here in Portland a couple of weeks ago, but even more so after I heard Richardson had come to town to throw his support behind Obama. To hear the baseless attacks & rhetoric thrown out by the Clinton campaign because of the ties during the Clinton Administration, further irritated my consideration of Hillary as a VP candidate, let alone President, given the mud they were pushing about Rev. Wright. It was the nail in the coffin for any further support for Clinton I would have, and I would have a hard time justifying a vote in her favor for local Dog Catcher after her repeated "pulling the page" out of Rove's playbook approach.

If not VP, maybe not Richardson's cup of tea right now, then most fittingly would be Secretary of State. Needless to say, I'm tired of our current Secretary of Oil, oh I meant Secretary Rice. Just imagine a return of diplomacy to this country come this January.

Honestly, his list of accolades runs long & favorably, and his past experience as Secretary of Energy has been influencial on the Western States development of an emissions capping system in the complete absence of any federal initiatives.

wiki Bio on Richardson
5 States Emissions Cap & Trade

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Plame & Wilson Support Hillary?!

Dear Joe & Valerie,

I was out this evening and on the TV I saw you both speaking together. It was without volume, but at first I was shocked to see your new hair cut and hope it is not due to illness, as last I saw you on Kieth Olbermann it was not the case. I hope Joe you are well.

What further shocked me and left me stupefied was that your "appearance" was in support of Hillary Clinton! I am dumbfounded by this support and regardless of the reality that Senator Obama has already won the nomination for the Democratic Party, I can not phantom why you have "endorsed" Senator Clinton. I am in Oregon and have already cast my ballot for Obama and have supported him since my primary candidate Gov. Richardson received early minimal support due to Hillary's "presumptive nomination" and stepped out of the running.

Regardless of Senator Clinton's "slash & burn, side with John McCain over her own party" campaign, I truly am in disbelief to see your endorsement of her.

I have never been in favor of this war in Iraq, knew at the time GWB got in office we would be in a war of some sort and am completely angered at all who authorized GWB in Congress to go to War! How, being in the position you both were in, knowing what only came out to the general public years after the invasion, can you be supporting Ms. Clinton?! Her vote in favor of actions against Iraq was nothing but a clear political calculation to make her look strong on military for future Presidential ambitions. As wife to Pres. Clinton, she was in far better shape than anyone in the Senate to know the true conditions in Iraq, that there were no WMDs there. This is absurd she not only voted for the authorization but still yet to this day has not apologized to the American people for her vote when she should have known better!

You both, who have suffered from the plague that is Washington "politics," I envision a much clearer view of Ms. Clinton's ambitions and politics as usual approach in this campaign. I supported both the Clintons through thick and thin over the years of political thrashing, but when she will not come clean on her vote for war & both her & Pres. Clinton, use Rovian tactics to obtain the nomination is too much!

This country is tired of the lying, politics as usual approach to governance. I, as I am certain you both feel, am affected almost to paralysis by the past 7 years of the Bush Admin., and cannot bare to see a continuance of division & deception of the people by our leaders. I fear Sen. Clinton and her willingness to pull page after page out of Rove's playbook to obtaining power will bring this country more of the same. I know, as much as one can in the media environment we live, you have been close with the Clinton's in the past, but I urge you not to fear the shameless & frankly pathetic treatment her campaign has sent to Gov. Richardson for endorsing Sen. Obama, as those of the future generations, of which I am part, can see through this and call a spade a spade. Sen. Clinton's ambitions have far exceeded her ability to stand up for the people of this country and her tactics are leaving an increasingly bitter taste in our mouths. I highly encourage you to reconsider your endorsement, as there are many in my camp with the utmost respect for your speaking out and what you went through, who cannot buy into Sen. Clinton's "win at all costs" tactics and complete disregard for her willing endorsement of this disaster in Iraq. "Patriots," sadly a political buzzword nowadays, stand up for what is right as I honor you both for doing, however Sen. Clinton has clearly placed politics above the good of the people & country in her blind ambitions and sadly will be remembered unfavorably for it.

Again, I wish you well.

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Monday, May 12, 2008

Bush Anonymous

No time like the present to get this off my chest as this is my first blog other than "spamming" forums with all the stuff in my head.

So where was I when this vile creature stole power and my initial thoughts...

I was recently "disenfranchised" being registered to vote in Crested Butte, CO, but living in Eldorado Springs, CO and called 2-3 weeks before the election finding out I couldn't change my voting location with "such short notice"

Needless to say, I was mighty pissed and entered "my head in the sand" mode on arriving in Ecuador in the start of December for 3 months of ignorance of the world scene. Information trickled in relatively quickly, even in the little frontera jungle town I was staying it, of the hell I would come to know all to well for the next 7 &1/2 years. Knowing war was an inevitable result of this man's placement into power, I lowered the blinders and attempted to think towards the future and how in 4 years things would be better.

3 months passed of living simply, traveling & exploring an amazing part of the world through both Ecuador & Peru, to return to the States with renewed interest of making money quickly and getting back to traveling in South America. That opportunity to make it happen arose in the beginning of September, when a company I had worked in the past asked me to come work for them for 3-4 months in the Bay Area, good money w/ no expenses. Aye, the perfect way to get back to SA, "I'll be there tomorrow!" The flight plans were made, the date set, the bags packed & loose ends tied up. Flight set for 9am mt from Denver to SF, the date....9-11.

Conspiratorial? I can't say, but what I can say is It was the perfect situation that allowed my initial fears of another Republican War to happen. It was on, 9 years of relative peace & prosperity for the masses were gone, the red carpet for fear mongering & record deficits had been rolled out and too many guests were too eager to take part in the extravaganza.

Outside the initial shock of seeing the towers come down, I never allowed the pushing of "we must be fearful of everything" take hold. It wasn't as though they had not tried to take down the WTC before and to strike the Pentagon also fell into perfect logic of the attack. The two most prominent symbols of America's economic & military might known throughout the world. That the attacks arrived from the air, again was no immense surprise given the print media carried news of G8 summit in Genoa was under aerial lockdown enforced by anti-aircraft armaments positioned atop buildings.... Genoa G8 No fly zone
so "Hello!" 1+1=2!

Bush's prayers for war were answered, Hell had arrived to the world.

I never ever felt fearful of future attacks. I had better odds at dying in a car accident at the hands of a legalized drug user [read:alcohol] or eating an E.coli laden burger from McDonalds, than being killed in a "terrorist" attack. Hell, walking past the Bush White House in a tee-shirt & shorts [read:nowhere to conceal anything] could get me shot by his trigger happy paramilitary, sooner than another terrorist attack could kill me.

I honestly felt this to be retribution that would be directed against the East Coast of the US, not us sane people in the west or center of the country for that matter, for our government & corporations abusing other nations.

anywho, I leave this unfinished now. if someone does find this and feels need to comment, let's stay away from conspiratorial expansions, etc. and more upon initial thoughts of when the Commander in Thief arrived on the scene. thanks

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To know or not to know, that is the question!

Dichotomy - Information floods us from every direction, do we lap it up and allow this knowledge to cripple us or bury our heads in the sand & live our lives in a self-imposed, irresponsible ignorance?

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