Tuesday, May 13, 2008

First Day Canvassing for Barack

Today was my first day getting off my ass and actually doing something for which I complain often about. I finally walked in the local Obama Campaign Office in my effort to get off my 7 years of Bush inflicted depression and today I was out canvassing instead of moping around.

Unfortunately, most people were not at home, however I did get to talk with a white male voter in his 40s and sadly I was disappointed in how he was framing his apprehension towards Obama and leaning towards Hillary. Without coming right out and saying it, his trepidation was of racial undertones, stating "He doesn't want 50 cent [or other hip-hop, gang-bangers] in the Whitehouse." Other notable comments, Barack's inexperience & naivety will allow him to be steamrolled by Politics as usual in Washington. I spent about 15 minutes talking to him, relaying on my take of the matter and without being rude, stating he could not be more wrong in his thoughts. I also strongly pushed my beliefs on Gov. Richardson and how he could be either a great VP or Sec. of State. At first he counter, Richardson only did it to "get on the Obama bandwagon" as Clinton was looking stronger then, but whatever, I knew his real reasonings behind his leanings were on the racial tones.

I guess was really disappointed given I live in Portland and we tend to be more open minded. To be continued later...

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