Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Plame & Wilson Support Hillary?!

Dear Joe & Valerie,

I was out this evening and on the TV I saw you both speaking together. It was without volume, but at first I was shocked to see your new hair cut and hope it is not due to illness, as last I saw you on Kieth Olbermann it was not the case. I hope Joe you are well.

What further shocked me and left me stupefied was that your "appearance" was in support of Hillary Clinton! I am dumbfounded by this support and regardless of the reality that Senator Obama has already won the nomination for the Democratic Party, I can not phantom why you have "endorsed" Senator Clinton. I am in Oregon and have already cast my ballot for Obama and have supported him since my primary candidate Gov. Richardson received early minimal support due to Hillary's "presumptive nomination" and stepped out of the running.

Regardless of Senator Clinton's "slash & burn, side with John McCain over her own party" campaign, I truly am in disbelief to see your endorsement of her.

I have never been in favor of this war in Iraq, knew at the time GWB got in office we would be in a war of some sort and am completely angered at all who authorized GWB in Congress to go to War! How, being in the position you both were in, knowing what only came out to the general public years after the invasion, can you be supporting Ms. Clinton?! Her vote in favor of actions against Iraq was nothing but a clear political calculation to make her look strong on military for future Presidential ambitions. As wife to Pres. Clinton, she was in far better shape than anyone in the Senate to know the true conditions in Iraq, that there were no WMDs there. This is absurd she not only voted for the authorization but still yet to this day has not apologized to the American people for her vote when she should have known better!

You both, who have suffered from the plague that is Washington "politics," I envision a much clearer view of Ms. Clinton's ambitions and politics as usual approach in this campaign. I supported both the Clintons through thick and thin over the years of political thrashing, but when she will not come clean on her vote for war & both her & Pres. Clinton, use Rovian tactics to obtain the nomination is too much!

This country is tired of the lying, politics as usual approach to governance. I, as I am certain you both feel, am affected almost to paralysis by the past 7 years of the Bush Admin., and cannot bare to see a continuance of division & deception of the people by our leaders. I fear Sen. Clinton and her willingness to pull page after page out of Rove's playbook to obtaining power will bring this country more of the same. I know, as much as one can in the media environment we live, you have been close with the Clinton's in the past, but I urge you not to fear the shameless & frankly pathetic treatment her campaign has sent to Gov. Richardson for endorsing Sen. Obama, as those of the future generations, of which I am part, can see through this and call a spade a spade. Sen. Clinton's ambitions have far exceeded her ability to stand up for the people of this country and her tactics are leaving an increasingly bitter taste in our mouths. I highly encourage you to reconsider your endorsement, as there are many in my camp with the utmost respect for your speaking out and what you went through, who cannot buy into Sen. Clinton's "win at all costs" tactics and complete disregard for her willing endorsement of this disaster in Iraq. "Patriots," sadly a political buzzword nowadays, stand up for what is right as I honor you both for doing, however Sen. Clinton has clearly placed politics above the good of the people & country in her blind ambitions and sadly will be remembered unfavorably for it.

Again, I wish you well.

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