Monday, May 12, 2008

Bush Anonymous

No time like the present to get this off my chest as this is my first blog other than "spamming" forums with all the stuff in my head.

So where was I when this vile creature stole power and my initial thoughts...

I was recently "disenfranchised" being registered to vote in Crested Butte, CO, but living in Eldorado Springs, CO and called 2-3 weeks before the election finding out I couldn't change my voting location with "such short notice"

Needless to say, I was mighty pissed and entered "my head in the sand" mode on arriving in Ecuador in the start of December for 3 months of ignorance of the world scene. Information trickled in relatively quickly, even in the little frontera jungle town I was staying it, of the hell I would come to know all to well for the next 7 &1/2 years. Knowing war was an inevitable result of this man's placement into power, I lowered the blinders and attempted to think towards the future and how in 4 years things would be better.

3 months passed of living simply, traveling & exploring an amazing part of the world through both Ecuador & Peru, to return to the States with renewed interest of making money quickly and getting back to traveling in South America. That opportunity to make it happen arose in the beginning of September, when a company I had worked in the past asked me to come work for them for 3-4 months in the Bay Area, good money w/ no expenses. Aye, the perfect way to get back to SA, "I'll be there tomorrow!" The flight plans were made, the date set, the bags packed & loose ends tied up. Flight set for 9am mt from Denver to SF, the date....9-11.

Conspiratorial? I can't say, but what I can say is It was the perfect situation that allowed my initial fears of another Republican War to happen. It was on, 9 years of relative peace & prosperity for the masses were gone, the red carpet for fear mongering & record deficits had been rolled out and too many guests were too eager to take part in the extravaganza.

Outside the initial shock of seeing the towers come down, I never allowed the pushing of "we must be fearful of everything" take hold. It wasn't as though they had not tried to take down the WTC before and to strike the Pentagon also fell into perfect logic of the attack. The two most prominent symbols of America's economic & military might known throughout the world. That the attacks arrived from the air, again was no immense surprise given the print media carried news of G8 summit in Genoa was under aerial lockdown enforced by anti-aircraft armaments positioned atop buildings.... Genoa G8 No fly zone
so "Hello!" 1+1=2!

Bush's prayers for war were answered, Hell had arrived to the world.

I never ever felt fearful of future attacks. I had better odds at dying in a car accident at the hands of a legalized drug user [read:alcohol] or eating an E.coli laden burger from McDonalds, than being killed in a "terrorist" attack. Hell, walking past the Bush White House in a tee-shirt & shorts [read:nowhere to conceal anything] could get me shot by his trigger happy paramilitary, sooner than another terrorist attack could kill me.

I honestly felt this to be retribution that would be directed against the East Coast of the US, not us sane people in the west or center of the country for that matter, for our government & corporations abusing other nations.

anywho, I leave this unfinished now. if someone does find this and feels need to comment, let's stay away from conspiratorial expansions, etc. and more upon initial thoughts of when the Commander in Thief arrived on the scene. thanks

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